Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this a pre-order?

Starting a new business and making products costs money. We are doing a pre-order to help raise some of that money upfront and gauge interest, similar to launching a crowdfunding project.

Why aren’t you using a crowdfunding platform?

Those popular crowdfunding platforms charge an additional fee (usually about 5% of each transaction) that we could put toward our goal of helping stop plastic pollution.

When will this ship?

We are planning to begin shipping August 1st 2021, but there is a chance that this could be pushed back because of issues in our supply chain. To stay up to date on the project progress and any potential changes, please sign up for our email newsletter.

When will I be charged?

You will be charged upon checkout.

When will subscriptions renew? If I purchase one today, will I be charged again before the first pre-order ships?

We will set all subscriptions to renew at the appropriate time after the pre-orders start to ship, which we plan to be August 1st. If everything stays on schedule monthly subscriptions will renew September 1st 2021, 3 month subscriptions will renew November 1st 2021, and 6 month subscriptions will renew February 1st, 2022. If we have to delay the ship date due to unforeseen circumstances, we will adjust the renewal date accordingly and notify subscribers of the changes. To stay up to date on our progress, please follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter.

I have a coupon code; will it apply to subscriptions?

If you purchase a subscription during the pre-order sale, you will be locked into the sale pricing for as long as you maintain your subscription. However, coupon discounts only apply to the first order of a subscription, not to renewals.

What is your refund policy?

During the pre-order period, we are not offering refunds. Similar to a project on those popular crowdfunding websites, we are using this pre-order to help raise the necessary funds to ensure this is a sustainable, long term business venture. Think of your pre-order purchase as an investment in a project to help better the planet. There may be delays and other hiccups in getting your purchase to you, so we just ask that you please be patient and understanding; we promise to do everything we can to be as transparent as possible.

What is your mission statement?

We aim to assist in the achievement of a waste and pollution free environment by identifying problem sources and developing solutions to ensure that 100% of all waste created by human activities is repurposed, and all energy and materials are sourced in a sustainable manner.

What are your plans for future products?

Bracelets and stickers are just the beginning! We have a lot of plans in the works for future products of all shapes and sizes. If you want to keep up-to-date with everything that we are working on, then be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for our email newsletter.